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轴承座在开始生产的过程中   对轴承座进行预热,防止在冷的轴承座突然遇到热的金属液而导致...

  SN300系列滑动轴承座和31系列的SNL轴承座适用于:230、231和240系列球面滚子轴承和C 30和C 31系列的CARB轴承。
  SN300 series of sliding bearing and 31 series of SNL bearing applies to: 230,231 and 240 series of spherical roller bearings, and C 30 and C 31 series of CARB bearings.
  SN300轴承座具有多种实际应用功能,能从   大程度上满足不同客户的不同应用的要求。我厂生产的SN300型滑动轴承座有多种从设计方式和尺寸范围上进行了不同的调整,在全体员工的努力下生产了大批的品质优良、形式多样的滑动轴承座,SN300型滑动轴承座是SKF轴承座中   普遍通用的一种。
  SN300 bearing with a variety of practical applications, from the maximum extent possible to meet different customer"s different applications. Our factory produce SN300-type sliding bearing a variety of ways from the design and size range on a different adjustment, in the efforts of all staff to produce a large number of high quality and various forms of sliding bearing, SN300-type sliding bearing block SKF Bearing is the most common one common.
  SN300型轴承座是在SD轴承座的基础上开发出来的,在尺寸上也是彼此可以互换的。SN300系列滑动轴承座和SNL 31系列滑动轴承座是SKF从小型SNL轴承座中积累的经验,再将其扩展至   大轴径的应用方式。    
  SN300-type bearing is a bearing on the basis of SD developed, and in size are also mutually interchangeable. SN300 series of sliding bearing and the SNL 31 series of sliding bearing is a SKF bearing in from the small SNL experience, and then extend it to the way the application of a larger shaft diameter


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